Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Job!

I am terrible at updating this bad boy. My apologies to all 3 of you that read this.

I recently started a new job at Carbine Studios out in Aliso Viejo, which for those of you that are not familiar with Californian geography, is where the 'Real House Wives of Orange County' live. Looks like I'll need to pick up tennis lessons and lease a Range Rover.

My job title is the Associate Producer of Design. I'm working on an unannounced MMO. No I can't say what it's about, yes it's cool. You can see all sorts of info on the place at

In other news, the Batman: Brave and the Bold stuff had a great reception at Comic Con. Check out this video playthrough on Gamespot. Green Lantern fans will get a kick out of Guy Gardner being a playable character in the game.

I'll update when I get some more news. :D