Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fear Factor

I just read today Factor 5 just went under. I was just talking about them yesterday which means one of two things;

One: I am cursed and anything I talk about is destined to internally combust.
Two: The economy is indeed taking on taking a dump on the industry (and other industries), an economic Cleveland Steamer, if you will.

I am going with the second. Again Factor 5 going down all links back to Brash going under. For those not aware of that whole situation, Brash was backed by Goldman Sachs. Which, if you watch the news, was one of the companies to receive part of that Cleveland Steamer I was referring to earlier. As a result the investors at Goldman Sachs needed to cut their losses and the huge bankroll from the company, thus screwing hundreds of people. It's a damn shame really and I hope everyone at Factor 5 finds something quick.

Shifting Gears, I have to say that Gears of War 2 is one amazing game. The gameplay is still solid (although I have some issues I will go over in a second), the story is great, the music is fantastic and the scale is amazing. This is one of the few times where the hype actually lived up to the actual product. Although there are some problems that have bugged me since the first game. Why is the cover button the same as the jump button? I HATE it when I am trying to jump out of the way and I get sucked to a wall. "NO DAMN IT! GET OFF THE WALL!@!" Then BLAM! My head is popped like a pimple. The Y button doesn't do anything, use that for cover. My other problem is the chainsaw. Arguably one of the coolest weapons around right now, but the chainsaw bayonet is too random. The point of controls, is to control. In a game like Gears 2, the player needs to know it is their fault if they miss a shot. That is what drives people to keep playing and improve their skills. I would make the Chainsaw like the Mele attacks with the shotgun. This way it takes skill to hit the opposition, not luck. Aside from those minor complaints, the game is fan-freakin-tastic.

Anyway, stay up kids!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you made a blog... look forward to reading about your misery... that we are both going through...

